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Thaew Thaew

Plum Wine

Breakfast, Chef Table, Home Stay Experience
and more...

“Thaew Thaew” (แถวๆ) is a Thai word. It means “Around, Nearby”. A peaceful place surrounded by friendships and love. And in Cantonese, "Thaew Thaew" becomes ‘嗰度囉’(go2 dou6 lo1) which means ‘that place’. Our hearts find solace in that place, and that is why we chose this Thai name.


We are a small kitchen with lovely poolside garden view.  Providing homemade sourdough, pour over coffee and decent breakfast set for someone who love holiday vibes.


We also provide Cantonese 8 courses menu, Italian French 6 courses menu, Vegetarian & Canton-French menu for lunch or dinner.  

All dining services require prior reservation. For breakfast, please make a reservation at least 2 days in advance, while private chef menus require a reservation 3 days in advance. Thank you all for your understanding & support. 


If you are also looking for unique home stay experience, here are now available in Thaew Thaew as well. Join us and let us explore other possibilities for going further. 

「Thaew Thaew」(แถวๆ) 在泰文裡是「就在附近」的意思,如果換成廣東話,就變成「嗰度囉」(就是「那處」的意思)。心之所安就在那處,我們就取了這個泰文名字了。





如果你正尋找獨特的清邁住宿體驗,Thaew Thaew亦現正接受預約。來吧!跟我們一起發掘更多好玩有趣的清邁市郊風景吧。

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